10 Mar, 2025
Skill Development
The functional vocational training and research society - FVTRS Bangalore is partnering us in development of skilled entrepreneurs. This year with support of FVTRS and Caritas India, we have done training of 90 youth for heavy earthmover driving and lac handicrafts.

The Goal of this project is to avail functional vocational training for school dropout youth and arming them with a potential, marketable skill to ensure a better living of these poor tribes. The goal also embodies a desire to bring Raigarh district in map of India for lac handicrafts. Simultaneously we intend to create a cadre of Master Trainers/ entrepreneurs of lac handicrafts, with required life skills who can be friend, facilitator and guide to fellow village youth

About Lac Handicraft Trainings
Lac Related Handicrafts are popular in Indian households and abroad. Lac bangles are essential for any hindu married women. Many of decorative items like showpieces, crockery, office essentials like pen, paper-weight, and ash trays are prepared by artisans that fetch good price in market.

The technology used is simple. Button lac is taken as raw material by artisans. It is heated in a small charcoal furnace. Button-lac looses its solidarity to become paste like. With mixing of various dyes, this paste can have various colors. Such colorful paste is coated on glassware or wood, (which serves a base for coating). Steel-ware and brass articles are also coated in some theme. Lac bangles are prepared by twisting the paste thread.

A seasoned artisan can make thousands of designs and thousands of articles with this technique. It is the idea and conceptualization that matters. Articles are sold in open market or through middlemen. They can earn either way, Rs 5000-20000 or more in a month.

Lac handicrafts training was organized in village Chhote Gumda and bahramar. 60 school dropout girls and SHG women took training in this trade. Tools were provided and raw material for first production cycle is given through Jan mitra Marketing and Consultancy limited. The JMCL have taken respnsiblity to avail marketing channel and skill upgrading for these trainees.

Heavy Earthmover- Industrial Vehicle Driving
In Tamnar and Raigarh block, rural youth expressed their desire to learn driving and operation on heavy construction/ industrial vehicles like bulldozer, Poklein, JCB, Heavy Dumper etc.

On the other hand, some of renowned construction firms were contacted who told immediate requirement of skilled heavy vehicles drivers. There are about 200 JCBs, 200 Dozers, 50 Hydra, 35-50 pokleins in Raigarh, tamnar and vicarious area. These vehicles are Very costly and need careful operation. However, no training facility for drivers is available. Unskilled drivers are accident-prone and most of the time brings damage to costly heavy-duty machines. Therefore there is a good demand for trained drivers.

We therefore stated a heavy earthmover driving training with support of FVTRS. M/s Dynamic engineers, distributer of JCB machines in Chhattisgarh also helped us for this training. 30 youth were selected and trained for JCB opration. Most of them were employed soon after completion of training.

Business Support
JanMitram imparts various income generation trainings at regular intervals. Resource material for different trades or business has been prepared. A general motivation and business skills is regular requirement of all such trainings.

A part from income generation trainings, JanMitram direct provides loan to the youth through its promoted institute Ravi cooperative. Janmitram believes that its not possible to do the job for everyone, so that it provides loan for youth.

Janmitram, with NABARD assistance had been conducting Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP), for building capacity of the rural unemployed in Raigarh and Jashpur district. District employment office and DRDA (under SGSY) also extended their support for the same. Janmitram not only provide vocational trainings, but it also extends support to arrange capital investment for unit establishment. This is done through linking them with commercial banks that issue SCC (Swarojgar Credit Card) to candidates. credit card enables them to get support for longer period i.e. 3 years, rather them one time credit support.

We have conducted training of180 rural youth in various technical trades like repairing of electronic and electrical appliances, tailoring, Fabrication, Low cost building technology, screen-printing, computer, and DTP work etc. Out of these 134 was credit linked with bank and established their units.


Up gradation of existing skills of artisans and introduction of new income generation activities among self-help groups are taken in this programme. We have conducted several trainings for bamboo-craft artisans for skill up-gradation. Mushroom cultivation and processing was taken by few SHGs . Therefore we conducted product development workshops on it.
Founding Story
Awards and Recognitions
Financial Support
Smiles We Spurred