10 Mar, 2025
HIV-AIDS - TI Program
(A)- Janmitram is always being determined to work for women and child, and that’s why it started targeted intervention program (TI) in 2009. This program runs through the prime support of national AIDS control organization (NACO) and Hindustan lever family planning trust assists us for the technical support. The organization indentified 1200+ female sex workers in two places Raigarh and Kharsiya. It has been seen in both towns that industrialization, mining and emergence of migrated workers and truckers are main reasons to increase prostitution in these places. We are trying to rehabilitate them, because many of ladies as possibly belong to other profession also.

The promotion technique is adapted to transform their behaviour from unsafe sex to safe sex situations. Proper strategies are developed through one to one meet, focused group discussion, condom promotion, condom demo/ re- demo and proper counselling. In STI management proper methodology is adapted to appoint communal doctors/preferred private practitioners (PPP) as per the preferred community or SFW. There are facilities for free medicines and free treatment of high risk patients coming to their clinic. Government ICTC and referral centres are parts of STI management. Friendly atmosphere, proper counselling and personal relations are the key of our success in TI program.
Major activities
Awareness generation and community mobilization: awareness campaigns, technical Trainings and health camps were convened during the project period. Apart from experts Like doctors and paramedical staff, ANM and ORW workers who imparted training on.

STI/RTI management: First presumptive treatment, second presumptive treatment, Syphilis screening, drug procurement.

Condom promotion: volunteers involved themselves in free condom distribution, social Marketing of condoms, condom demo and re-demo, establishment of condom outlet.

Behaviour change communication: transform their behaviour from unsafe sex to safe sex Situations are the motive of TI program.
(B) Protection of women from domestic violence act 2005- Any women afflicted by domestic violence, can get help and facilities through more effective protection under constitution for guaranteed rights and related with it or to provision of its consequential subjects act.

Domestic violence: Here are facilities for afflicted women, if any activities of respondent which would may effect on afflicted person’s health, security, life or maybe disservice on his mental or physical existence, or intended to do any those activities, through which he would be able to do physical, sexual, verbal, emotional and financial exploitation:
  1. Shelter facility: Here is 5 days temporary shelter facility for afflicted woman if she would request for it.
  2. Medication facility: Here is medication facility also for afflicted woman if she needs it.
  3. Legal help: legal help would be provided on request of afflicted woman.
  4. Suggestions: Suggestion facility would be provided for afflicted woman according to the order of honorable court.
  5. To put the report of home violence in court: Afflicted woman can also record the domestic violence and put it in front of magistrate in court.

The helps for afflicted woman by court:
  1. Proceedings in a closed room: Magistrate can operate the proceeding in a closed room if the afflicted woman requests and magistrate thinks by his own discretion.
  2. Right to live in joint family: Each woman would has right to live in joint family among relatives.
  3. Protection order: When the magistrate would find that there has being done domestic violence or is about to be done then he can release out the order of protection.
  4. Residence order: When the magistrate would know that there has being done domestic violence in the case, and then he can release residence order in favor of afflicted woman.
  5. Monetary relief: Magistrate can order to respondent for pecuniary relief payment to full fill the compensation emergent of home violence of afflicted woman or her any child.
  6. Custody order: Under this act- magistrate can give orders for temporary protection of any child of afflicted woman or any person who applied behalf of afflicted woman, in any stage of hearing of application to have protection order or to have any other relief.
  7. Protest order: According to the application of afflicted woman, the magistrate can give protest and payment orders for damages including mental and emotional purgatory done by respondent.
  8. Interim and one sided order: Magistrate can give interim orders for the situations which would be appropriate and legitimate about the case under this act.

Janmitram kalyan samiti has been giving its efforts as service granter under ‘protection of women from domestic violence act 2005, since 2015. Here are the details of services provided by organization yet this time:
  1. To put the reports of home incidents in court: The organization has putted 77 DIR (Domestic Information report) yet this time as service granter.
  2. Legal advice: The organization has provided advices for 25 afflicted women by legal adviser according to their request.
  3. Shelter facility: total 7 women got the shelter facility by Janmitram.
  4. Medication facility: 3 women got medication facility yet this time by organization.
Health Programs In Past
(A) ACHIEVEMENTS in mitanin program 2003-04

Mitanin Programme Gharghoda

No. of Mitanins selected No of training camps organized for Facilitators in the year No of training camps for Mitanins in the year Total rounds of training commenced in the year Over all rounds of Mitanin training organized (Out of 7 proposes 7 rounds) No of villages covered Remarks
403 4 14 2 2 102 Programme started in April 2003

Mitanin programme Lailunga

No. of Mitanins selected No of training camps organized for Facilitators in the year No of training camps for Mitanins in the year Total rounds of training commenced in the year Over all rounds of Mitanin training organized (Out of 7 proposes 7 rounds) No of villages covered Remarks
375 1 nil nil nil 138 Programme started in January 2004

(B) MITANIN PROGRAMME program 2004-05

Present Status of Basic health services in India, teach us that desired success could not be achieved without community participation. However, most of previous community health programmes lake only one thing, Participation of community. One of its biggest reasons is that in a welfare state, no one can be forced to practice hygiene and remain healthy. It can only be achieved through behavioural change communication and informative education. Janmitram took up this challenge and started Mitanin programme to meet it.

Mitanin is a chttisgarhi word that stands for “TRUSTED FRIEND.” Mitanin is a women selected in a hamlet of 40-50 household. She is selected with due care that it must be resident of hamlet for life, and should be free from social, cultural or financial constraints. Moreover, she must be willing full to take the job on voluntary basis. Ability to communicate and education and influence in community are other criteria.

Selected Mitanin undergo sequential trainings and fieldwork. Training part includes the basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology, nutritional requirement of different age group, causes and remedies of common epidemics; domestic hygiene etc. they are trained for symptoms of common diseases and malnutrition, primary care and distribution of drugs & general medicines. Training part also includes making malaria slides, writing referrals to Govt. health centres, documentation etc.

Mitanin have to take care of 40-50 families. They are expected to do change agent’s job not only for health but also in other social sections for all-round awareness generation.

Janmitram is running Mitanin campaign in two blocks of Raigarh district wiz Gharghoda and Lailunga on its own. We also support Manora block of jashpur distirct where government is doing the training part. Over 1300 Mitanin are selected in these arias and they are doing their task efficiently.
Progress and outreach in Mitanin programme

Block NO.of Active Mitanin No of Training Camps organized for facilitators No of training camps organized of Mitanin No of villages covered Population
Gharghoda 43 07 73 103
Lailunga 412 03 24 127
Manora 426 02 33 80

(C) Mall nutrition: ‘Nava Jatan’(2012-13)

Malnutrition in rural areas of Raigarh is a great challenge. More than 40% children of district remain underweight resulted of malnutrition. Not only poverty, but various socio-cultural factors contribute that need to be taken into consideration for eradicating malnutrition.

This year, The New Care initiative (Nava-Jatan) programme was launched in Six Gram panchyats of Gharghoda block. Selected GPs had highest percentage of malnourished children. It was planned that Selected children shall be given special care. In Primary survey, following WHO norms was conduted in villages and a total of 646 Children were emerged that needed care. In this, 413 children were underweight and 233 were severely malnourished.

These children were adopted by JanMitram for next six month. We provided food supplement, educated parents and ensured follow-up at doorstep. Medical treatment was also given to those who needed it.

A communication and mobilization Strategy went on. Panchyat functionaries and Government staff deployed with Anganwadis also activity supported programme. ICDS Dept. (GOCG) provided funds and other support.

In next six month, over 80% children show increase in grade. At end line survey done in seventh month of programme veined those 52 Children got normal, while a big part of rest show grade improvement.

Health Programs In Past
(A) ACHIEVEMENTS in mitanin program 2003-04

Mitanin programme Gharghoda

No. of Mitanins selected No of training camps organized for Facilitators in the year No of training camps for Mitanins in the year Total rounds of training commenced in the year Over all rounds of Mitanin training organized (Out of 7 proposes 7 rounds) No of villages covered Remarks
403 4 14 2 2 102 Programme started in April 2003

Mitanin programme Lailunga

No. of Mitanins selected No of training camps organized for Facilitators in the year No of training camps for Mitanins in the year Total rounds of training commenced in the year Over all rounds of Mitanin training organized (Out of 7 proposes 7 rounds) No of villages covered Remarks
375 1 Nil Nil Nil 138 Programme started in January 2004
(B) MITANIN PROGRAMME program 2004-05

Present Status of Basic health services in India, teach us that desired success could not be achieved without community participation. However, most of previous community health programmes lake only one thing, Participation of community. One of its biggest reasons is that in a welfare state, no one can be forced to practice hygiene and remain healthy. It can only be achieved through behavioural change communication and informative education. Janmitram took up this challenge and started Mitanin programme to meet it.

Mitanin is a Chattisgarhi word that stands for “TRUSTED FRIEND.” Mitanin is a women selected in a hamlet of 40-50 household. She is selected with due care that it must be resident of hamlet for life, and should be free from social, cultural or financial constraints. Moreover, she must be willing full to take the job on voluntary basis. Ability to communicate and education and influence in community are other criteria.

Selected Mitanin undergo sequential trainings and fieldwork. Training part includes the basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology, nutritional requirement of different age group, causes and remedies of common epidemics; domestic hygiene etc. they are trained for symptoms of common diseases and malnutrition, primary care and distribution of drugs & general medicines. Training part also includes making malaria slides, writing referrals to Govt. health centres, documentation etc.

Mitanin have to take care of 40-50 families. They are expected to do change agent’s job not only for health but also in other social sections for all-round awareness generation.

Janmitram is running Mitanin campaign in two blocks of Raigarh district wiz Gharghoda and Lailunga on its own. We also support Manora block of jashpur distirct where government is doing the training part. Over 1300 Mitanin are selected in these arias and they are doing their task efficiently.

Progress and outreach in Mitanin programme

Block NO.of Active Mitanin No of Training Camps organized for facilitators No of training camps organized of Mitanin No of villages covered Population
Gharghoda 403 7 73 103
Lailunga 412 3 24 127
Manora 426 2 33 80
(C) Mall nutrition: ‘Nava Jatan’(2012-13 )

Malnutrition in rural areas of Raigarh is a great challenge. More than 40% children of district remain underweight resulted of malnutrition. Not only poverty, but various socio-cultural factors contribute that need to be taken into consideration for eradicating malnutrition.

This year, The New Care initiative (Nava-Jatan) programme was launched in Six Gram panchyats of Gharghoda block. Selected GPs had highest percentage of malnourished children. It was planned that Selected children shall be given special care. In Primary survey, following WHO norms was conduted in villages and a total of 646 Children were emerged that needed care. In this, 413 children were underweight and 233 were severely malnourished.

These children were adopted by JanMitram for next six month. We provided food supplement, educated parents and ensured follow-up at doorstep. Medical treatment was also given to those who needed it.

A communication and mobilization Strategy went on. Panchyat functionaries and Government staff deployed with Anganwadis also activity supported programme. ICDS Dept. (GOCG) provided funds and other support.

In next six month, over 80% children show increase in grade. At end line survey done in seventh month of programme veined those 52 Children got normal, while a big part of rest show grade improvement
Founding Story
Awards and Recognitions
Financial Support
Smiles We Spurred