10 Mar, 2025
Vision & Mission
To intervene among backward and disadvantaged communities by rising awareness and skill and bringing ability to recognizing better opportunities offered by our great democratic nation
  1. Conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources through people’s participation.
  2. Improving economic status of SC/ST and marginal sections of society through people’s participation.
  3. Improving health and educational status for women and children.
  4. To institutionalized services in unrecognized sectors and introducing proven technologies and ideas for better living.
  5. Strengthening community organizations, local bodies and panchayti raj institutions for effective self governance.
  6. Advocacy for human rights and people’s initiatives for social justice.
By Laws
Schedule No.-1
Notice of the registration of Societies
(See Rule 3)

  1. Name of the Society: JANMITRAM KALYAN SAMITI
  2. Office of the Society: will be situated at Janmitram House, Indian School Road Bade Atarmuda, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh
  3. Area of the Society: Entire Bilaspur division and the districts fall in it in Chhattisgarh State
  4. The following will be the objectives of the Society
    • Mission of the Society: Indian Constitution and within the limits of law and regulations, has to constitute an equilibrium in the entire society through the Truth, Non-violence, Love and Pity and having social, religious and linguistic identification; will have to make efforts to keep the society unisonous and bring a social and economical equality.
    • Vision of the Society: To intervene among backward and disadvantaged communities by rising awareness and skill for enabling them to recognize better opportunities offered by our great democratic nation.
    • These working points will be included in the mission of the organization, according to the wholeness of its mission and vision:
      • Develop the health and educational levels of women and children.
      • Skill development and formation of self-employment for scheduled castes/ schedule tribes and marginal section of local society and make a progress for their lives through arrangement of resources.
      • Make united the services of untidy areas and infuse in them the new ideas and new techniques for the better life and development.
      • Development, replenishment, conservation and management of the natural resources through the public-centered, public-oriented and public-participatory methods.
      • To make empowered the social institutions, local self government units and Panchayati Raj institutions for the effective self governance.
    • The society will make efforts for organization of seminars, workshops, tour writing, publication, popular reasons of scientific discoveries etc. The organization will make efforts for the complete development in public interest by publication of essays, books, magazines and will promote and propagate the same through related publication materials.
    • The organization will make efforts to provide relief to the sufferers from famine, flood and other natural calamities.
    • The organization will form and run the orphanage, women reform centers and orphanage and other such related institutions.
    • To make the women, backward castes, handicapped and helpless people employed and for the development of educational institutes, establish the units, training centers for sewing, cutting, knitting, bee-keeping, sericulture and others. Make arrangement for the guidance and training and help the people to get the employment.
    • For the development and prosperity, treating the village as prime unit, encourage their participation; organization of skill development program, education and training for Gram Sabha, sub-clause of Gram Panchayat and thus work for the rural development.
    • To control the environmental pollution, uses of scientific resources, development of technology, make experiment, render trainings, open research centers, use of films related with the control of environmental pollution and make publicity for the same, and creation of public awareness for the control air, water and other pollutions.
    • Work for the environment conservation, plant the trees to keep natural balance; encourage and aware the general public to protect the flora and fauna.
    • To make efforts for the sale of various crafts/materials prepared by the tribals/ villagers and try to enhance their business.
    • To organize veterinary health sub-centers, veterinary hospitals, Sulabh Shauchalays (Public toilets), dustbins, health education hospitals and family welfare centers at all level and related training and vaccination centers.
    • The organization will make efforts to participate in all the government sponsored programs viz. women empowerment, child welfare etc.
    • By keeping the Human Resource Development in centre, to implement the government and non-government sponsored welfare programs for the rural development; by creating the mass public awareness, will make efforts to participate in the program.
    • To develop the Indian languages, establish all sort of educational institutes, training centers and libraries and organize competitions, examinations and sports activities for the intelligent and diligent students and give them award and reward.
    • For the development of technical education, open the computer training and education centers get the scientific and developmental facts and figures from the computer, do research, development and formation of resources and obtain the government support.
    • To promote and propagate; Indian music, dance art, sports and cultural programs time to time, will organize charity shows and other programs.
    • To make the education qualitative, the organization will make the modern arrangements for training of teachers belong to primary and higher level and train them for behavioral education; establish training centers and colleges.
    • Train general people for the first-aid, get them vaccinated for vulnerable diseases and make them aware for the other preventions. Establish the R & D centers and training centers related with health education to develop the modern health education.
    • To run the intensive program for family planning, family welfare and mother and child welfare and get available the facilities. Make aware and apart trainings to general public for the prevention from contagious and chronic diseases.
    • To render trainings to the villagers to let them know the reasons and precautions from the various chronic diseases.
    • To make efforts to make watershed and other successful programs by creating the sources to collect natural and rail water for the agricultural development.
    • By doing the survey of infertile land of cities and villages; avail resources to the farmers to make it fertile, train the farmers for horticulture and other programs and make request to the government for the financial support.
    • Put the efforts to make successful the program for stopping the land-degradation due to heavy rain to the village land. Make aware the villagers about the information related with progressive agriculture (use of progressive seeds, agricultural appliances, preservation and storage of production) and apart them the trainings.
    • The society should be self-employed hence the arrangement will be made for employment oriented trainings. We will always make efforts for the eradication of unemployment. To cope up the problems of unemployment and starvation, unemployed youth and adults will be trained in making of handicrafts and the organization will always make efforts to get them employment.
    • To make available the maximum benefits to the villagers from the scheme implemented by the government keeping the interest of the villagers and participate in the implementation of these schemes.
    • The society can organize the capacity building activities and training programs to develop the skill and understandings of members, workers and managers of the society to fulfill the objectives of the society.
    • The society can give and take support of the capable persons and institutions to know the quality and hence can do technical schemes formation and implementation, organization of various types of surveys, data collection and preparation of project proposals. It can do monitoring and review of the same.
    • Within the limitations of the Registration Act, to fulfill the objectives of the society, to do all such work alone or with personnel or organizations those are necessary, circumstantial and helpful for the fulfillment of objectives of the society.
    • By obtaining the authorization from Chhattisgarh Rajya Khadi Gramudyog and Khadi Commission, get availed the trainings and establish and run the small scale industries related with Khadi Gramudyog, villages industries etc.
  5. Membership : As per the Clause 5 & 6, the capable persons will be given the membership of the society:
    • Patron Members: The person(s) who will be giving donation of Rs.3000/- or more than that in lump sum or will pay in instalments within a year, he/she will be patron member of the society.
    • Life Members: The person(s) who will be giving Rs.1500/- become life member or pay more than that will become life members. Any life member pays Rs.3000/- or more than that can become patron member.
    • Regular Member: The ordinary members will be for the period for which he/she will pay the contribution. If the ordinary members fail to deposit the membership fee within the six month, the membership will expire. Such members can submit his/her new application form and the balance amount of donation and can become a new member. Regular membership will be of two types:
      • Ordinary Member:- Any person(s) who pays subscription of Rs.50/- per month or Rs.600/- per annum as donation will be the ordinary member. Ordinary member can participate in the general meetings.
      • Honorary Member:- The managing committee can allow to any person or persons for membership for which they resolve but such member can participate in Annual General Meeting but they will not be entitled for vote right.
  6. How to obtain Membership:- The person who wishes to be a member should submit his application in writing before the President. The managing committee will be authorized to accept or reject such application for membership.
  7. Qualification for the Membership:- The following qualification is essentially required for the membership of the society, in a person:
    The age should not be less than 18 years
    He/she should be a citizen of India
    He/she should have faith and follows the rules of the Society
    He/she should have a moral character and should be a teetotaler
    Rule 8 – (6, 7, and 8) has not been declared disqualified by the rule.
  8. Cessation of Membership:- The membership of the society shall cease under any of the following situation:
    • on death case
    • on madness
    • Failed to deposit the contribution of membership of the society as per the rules shown in No.5 /III
    • Has received the intimation but has not participated in 3 consecutive meetings
    • If resigned and the resignation is accepted
    • Penalized under IPC
    • Having proven immoral character
    • Any other reasons related to proven moral turpitude and expulsion by the resolution of managing committee (under Rule 31(5) and such decision should be communicated in writing to the concerned.
  9. Membership Rolls: - The register having following description of member will be maintained in society:
    • Name of the member, address and occupation with signature.
    • The date of entry of member with receipt no.
    • The date of expulsion from the membership
    • Type of membership
    • General Meeting: The member who has been shown under rule (5) I,II,III will be entitled to participate in general meeting. The meeting will be held as and when required. Minimum one general meeting in a year is essential to be organized. The time, place and date of general meeting will be decided by the managing committee and communicated in writing to all the members at least 15 days before the date of general meeting. The quorum of the meeting will be 3/5th members. The first general meeting of the society will be held within 3 months from the date of registration, in which the managing committee will be elected. If the general meeting is no organized the Registrar or under the guidance of his staff/ officer, will have a right to call the general meeting and conduct election of body.
    • Managing Committee: The meeting of Managing Committee will be organized every 2 months and the intimation for the same should be communicated to every member of Managing Committee at least seven days prior to the meeting. The quorum of the meeting will be 5/8members. If the quorum does not fulfill, then the meeting will be postponed for minimum one hour and can take on the same day and place, for which the condition of quorum will not be applicable.
    • Working Committee: The meeting of the working committee may be called at any time. Minimum it will be required once in a month. In all such meetings; apart from the elected members, 4 working committee members’ attendance is essential.
    • Special Meeting: The meeting will be called, if minimum 2/3rd number of total members i.e. in written apply for calling a meeting for discussing the given issue. The resolution of the same should be informed within 14 days of the meeting date. The Registrar will be authorized to issue instruction and guidance to the society.
  10. Powers and responsibility of the General Body
    • To approve the previous year annual progress report
    • Proper arrangement of permanent funds and assets of the society
    • To appoint auditors for the coming financial year
    • To think about any other subject as may be brought forward by the Managing Committee
    • Sanction the statement of Income and Expenditure Account of organization running under the supervision of the society
    • Sanction the Annual Budget
  11. Constitution of the Managing Committee: If there is one or any number of Trustees they will be ex-officio member of the committee. The member who has been enrolled in member register (under rule 5-I, II, III) will participate in election for the following officials and member of managing committee.
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Co-Secretary
    • Members Two
  12. Period of Managing Committee: The working period of Managing Committee will be 3 years but the body will function till the new Managing Committee is constituted, but this period cannot be extended more than six months and such extension period should be approved by the General Meeting. At the end of the year, the confirmation will be done by the Registrar under section no.27.
  13. Rights and Responsibility of the Managing Committee/ Governing Board
    • To arrange the fulfilment of object for which society has been organized and to arrange for achieving he goal of object and other work assigned by the general body from time to time for achieving aims and objectives of the society.
    • To submit the duly audited statement of income and expenditure account of last year well examined with the statement of annual progress report before the General Body every year.
    • To make payment and allowance to the employee of society as well the institutions working under the society and to make the payment of taxes charged on the assets and immovable property of the society.
    • To appoint the necessary staff to run the society property to carry out the activities.
    • To perform the necessary works assigned by the general meeting from time to time.
    • All the movable and immovable property will remain in the name of the Janmitram Kalyan Samiti.
    • Any immovable property will not be transferred or sold without the written permission of the registrar.
    • For the amendment in bye-laws of the society the special meeting will be summoned for considering and discussions and sanction, it will be put up before the general meeting for passing resolution of amendment. There should be 2/3 majority of General Meeting to pass the resolution for amendments and it will be sent to Registrar for approval.
    • The society will make the arrangement for the resources to organize the trainings and capacity building sessions for its targeted beneficiaries or will get arranged it through institutions authorized by the government/laws, directly from the banks or through the institutions; so that a way may be available for a permanent development.
    • Such beneficiaries will be made available the required resources according to the laws, rules and schemes; directly or through the institutions.
    • The managing committee will not get the economical grants for the objectives or to fulfill the objectives without the permission of noticed section/government.
  14. Formation of Working Committee: The members depicted in Rule 5 (I)(II)(III) and whose names are registered in the register; having various capacities and skills, the managing committee may nominate in the working committee. The changes may be made for the number of members in the working committee by the managing committee depends on the nature of works being done by the organization.
  15. Rights of Working Committee: The managing committee will be advised by the Secretary for the execution of work by the working committee. The managing committee may only accept or reject the advices of working committee but the managing committee cannot make any decision against the recommendations of the working committee.
  16. Rights of the President: The President preside all the meetings of Managing Committee and Annual General Meeting and will manage the General Meeting as well Managing Committee through Secretary. The final decision for the given subjects will be taken by President.
  17. Rights of the Vice President: In the absence of President, the Vice-President will preside all the General Meeting and Managing Committee Meeting and will also exercise the all the powers of the President.
  18. Rights of the Secretary:
    • To call general meeting and executive body meeting as and when required and put up all application and suggestion before the committee to look after day to day activity of the society to fulfill its objectives as per the guidelines provided by the general body.
    • To prepare statement of income and expenditure accounts after duly audited by the auditor and put up before the general meeting.
    • To prepare all the papers of the society and if any irregularity is found then the report should be put before this managing committee for information.
    • To execute the decisions of the managing committee, make institutional correspondence through self-signature, execute agreements etc.
    • He will be the assigned president of the working committee and will inform the managing committee about the proposals and work of the working committee regularly.
    • The secretary will be authorized to accord approval for sanction of amount up to Rs.20000/- at a time.
  19. Rights of Treasurer: To maintain the full account of the society and drawing and disbursement of the amount with full sanction by the secretary or the managing committee will be obligatory. He will be assigned member of the society.
  20. Rights of Joint Secretary: In the absence of Secretary, call the meetings of general body and executive committee and put up all the applications and suggestions received and prepare or get prepared all the correspondence, inspect them and if find any irregularity; inform the managing committee.
  21. Rights of Working Committee: It will prepare the program and projects for the fulfillment of objectives of the organization and will ensure to execute as per the received funds and guidelines from the managing committee.
  22. Rights of Executive Director and Additional Director:
    • By keeping the inclusion of new techniques and styles in the field of social sector, the managing committee may appoint the specialists/professionals/managers to render help and execute its work. Such appointments will be done for the designated work and time by getting the proposals from managing committee. They will be given rights for such decisions and financial management.
    • (b) Upon enhancement of work and their limits, the appointment of Additional Director may be done who will be able to make decisions and do execution independently or on the basis of post cadre whatever is decided.
    • The Director and Additional Director will be the salaried executives of the organization and this expenditure will be borne by the organization. This expenditure will not be more than 10% of the total annual expenditure of the organization.
    • (d) The Director and Additional Director may or may not be the members of the organization but they will not be the members of then managing committee.
  23. Operation of Bank Account: The funds of the society shall be deposited in a scheduled bank or Post office. The bank account will be operated with the joint signatures of President/Secretary and Treasurer. For routine or daily expenses a maximum of Rs.20000/- will remain with treasurer.
  24. The information/report submitted to the Registrar Firms & Societies: As required under section 27 of the Act, the list of members of Managing Committee in the prescribed format as decided by the Annual General Meeting along with the audited accounts under section 28 of the Act, will be filed with the Registrar of Firms & Societies within 45 days from the date of General Meeting.
  25. Amendment: Society may alter or extend such preposition shall be made by the vote 2/3 of the available quorum of general body meeting
  26. Winding up: The dissolution of the society can be done by the 3/5 majority of the members of the present personally and voting at the general meeting at which the proposal for such alteration is placed under consideration. The property of the society in case of dissolution will be handed over to organization having similar aims and objectives. The above process will be executed in conformity to the provisions of the Act.
  27. Property: All property, movable or immovable and any other kind belonging to the society shall be in the name of the society. Immovable property of the institution (fixed assets) can be disposed off by selling, donating or otherwise with the permission of the general body.
  28. Bank Account: An account will be open either in a scheduled bank of post office and the procedure for withdrawal and deposit the money will remain in practice.
  29. Convening of meeting by the Registrar: According to the Memorandum of Association, if the Management Committee or the Board of Directors fails to convene the Annual General Meeting, the Registrar of Firms & Societies could do so at his discretion in which issues of concern could be raised and discussed.
  30. Disputes: In case of any kind of disputes arise in society, president has right to resolve the same with the permission of general body. In case his decision or result is not accepted by the both parties it can be sent to registrar for the final decision. Registrar’s decision will be final and accepted by all. The Registrar will have right to give final decision on disputes of executive body or managing committee.
  31. Termination by financial penalty:
    • The member who will not be able to deposit the annual fee in the year according to the rules, s/he has to deposit the fee imposing 30% extra amount within 3 months after ending of the year.
    • The member who will not be able to deposit monthly fee within stipulated period, has to deposit the same within 3 months imposing 25% extra amount.
    • The member who pay monthly or yearly fee; if not able to deposit the same within 6 months stipulated period, the managing committee may debar the membership of the person.
    • After stipulate time period, if a member doesn’t deposit the fee continuously for 6 months, such member will be served a notice by the managing committee and after getting the reply of the notice, the managing committee decide to cut the name of the member. If no reply is received of the notice, even than the membership may be seized.
Founding Story
Awards and Recognitions
Financial Support
Smiles We Spurred