Founded in 2002, JanMitram is Partner of NABARD since 2004. It was entrusted with one such watershed development project in 2019. It was Capacity Building Phase (CBP) programe where we have covered across 100 hectares in Kukuricholi-Tendumudi watershed of Kharsia block located in Raigarh district. In this phase there was a exposure visit followed by basic trainings on watershed development and its functioning.
After the completion of this phase we have initiated FIP in Feb-March 2022 and we have initiated the development process once the approval is received in the same area.
Watershed development aims to balance the conservation, regeneration and use by humans of land and water resources within a watershed. Common benefits from successful watershed development projects include improved agricultural yields and increased access to drinking water.
The line of planning for availing Farm Bunding which helps in retaining soil moisture for longer time, reducing soil erosion during heavy rain and protecting fertile soil or Repair the existing one and creation of farm pond is initiated in 2016-17. Here are some success stories under the watershed development programme. The benefitted farmers are:
1. Sukhlal Rathia
2. Ramkumar Rathia
3. Omkar Rathia
4. Aatma Ram

Sukhlal Rathia is a traditional farmer of village Tendumudi, Kharsia. He lives with his wife Khirmati and lone daughter Chuleshwari who studies in Govt. Middle School. Since, childhood Sukhlal has witnessed poverty and had very limited sources for fundamental living. He had only 0.5 acre of farm land where he used to crop one seasoned paddy of short duration (60-65 day) which yields averagely upto 07-08 quintals per season. He only depends on rainfall for irrigation and has no alternate source of water and regular protection. Apart from lacking of fundamental needs he hasn’t been seen in any new clothes or other facilities that other person might have. He stimulated others from his life style of being simple.
In the year 2018-19 there was a training programme in that area for implementation of watershed development prior to the selection of beneficiaries. Looking forward to the condition of Sukhlal and realizing its irregular production and less amount of growth, our team members met Sukhlal and helped him in creation of farm bund. After multiple tries and consistent efforts we have developed a farm bund to his farm (which is now 0.65 acre) due to which he has rotated his paddy crop verity to longer duration of hybrid (100-105 days) due to which his yield has increased up to 14-16 quintals.
The construction of farm bunds ensures the holding of water for longer duration and his problems also sorted in some manner. He gifted a new saree to his wife Khirmati after so many years and also provided some quality books to his daughter to add cushion in her studies. He all smiles now and we are also happy to see him smile.

Ram Kumar is young, energetic and a family bound traditional farmer of village Tendumudi, Kharsia. He lives in a joint family of 05 members having widow mother Jagmoti Rathia (72), wife Shakuntala and 03 children Gopal (13), Vaishnavi (11) and Dudheswari (10). There is a saying hard work bring success but takes time. To prove this worth saying Ramlal has proven that there is no age bar of such hard work. Although, he has 02 acre of farm land where he used to crop the traditional crops of paddy with no intercropping in between. He also could not fulfill the regular insecticide/pesticide treatments to the crops as he failed to pay the payments of vendors. To add more to his troubles he also suffered crop loss for last 02 years, due to less rainfall and could not bear to fulfill the fundamental needs of family.His mother also need some medical attention but he was unable to provide so.
In the year 2018-19, we selected his area during CBP phase for repair and maintenance of farm bunding. Looking forward to his the frequent crop losses an interaction was made by our team members and they visited the farm of Ram Kumar and helped him in recreation/repair of farm bund and suggested to crop the groundnuts looking forward to the potential of high productions. After multiple tries and consistent efforts he has developed a productive groundnut farm and in between other cereals of water defiecient. Alternatively, there is a good production of paddy in between increasing up to 42-44 quintals.
The farm bunds and suggestion for growing groundnut proven to be worth gold as it is producing 15-20 quintals of groundnut. He immediately paid all his debts and purchased the necessary deeds for next seasons. Now, his third child Dudheswari (10) is going to school of Tamnar. He is also planning to buy a new vehicle to add more cushions. His two children also started to help him for further growth.

Omkar, is a hard working traditional farmer of village Tendumudi, Kharsia. He lives with his wife Urmila. He needs to look after on his own as there are no other members in his family to support him. He had 1.15 acre of farm land where he used to crop the traditional crops of paddy of short rotation. Omkar’s shoulders did not let down even though he is growing old he works harder and harder for living. Since his childhood he has witnessed only poverty and adjustments for fundamental living. His paddy production per season is only 15-18 quintal and could practice only once in a year. His land holding is also few therefore, he could not practice for intercropping. He only depends on rainfall for irrigation and has no alternate source of water. Apart from lacking of fundamental needs he hasn’t been seen in any new asset or resources that other person may have. It was the year 2018-19 when we chosen Omkar for the implementation of programme.
One day our team members met Omkar and helped him in creation of farm bund. After multiple tries and consistent efforts we have developed a farm bund to his farm (which is now 1.35 acre) due to which he has rotated his paddy crop verity to longer duration of hybrid Swarna (100-105 days) which yield averagely up to 30-35 kg.
The farm bunds ensures the holding of water for longer duration and his problems also sorted in some manner. He gifted a new pair of clothes to his wife Urmila after so many years and also paid all his debts to the shopkeeper of his village.

Aatma Ram Rathia, aged 80 is an inspiration for many. He lives in small mud house in village Tendumudi of Kharsia with his wife Kalamati. He served all his due duties to his children and they are living happily somewhere else from the native place. Aatam Ram is sincere, devoted and hard working. He knows the value of hard earned money therefore infect being alone and old age he still works. Poverty, less amount of resources has not let him down and he completed all his due diligence. He had a farm pond of size 15x15x01 mt and had 03 acre of farm land where he used to crop in rabi season only, he also crop groundnut in entire area for soil rotation for more production. As far as the production is concerned it depends upon the rainfall and other scenarios.
During the net planning and implementation discussion in 2018-19, it was found that area of Aatmaram is quite suitable for farm pond creation.
The new farm pond ensured the regular water supply during the deficiency of water particularly in summer. This has not only helped Aatma Ram but also the neighboring farmers. The persisent problem of no irrigation or less irrigation is now sorted. He and his wife Kalamati spend so many times together with no more worrisome due to this asset in their farm
Now, he along with other farmers are blessed with irrigation facility in both seasons
i.e. khariff and rabi. Aatamram has encouraged many farmers like him to think positvely even though the circumstances are substantial difficult.