10 Mar, 2025
Stories of Change
Founded in 2002, JanMitram is Partner of NABARD since 2004. It was entrusted with one such watershed development project in 2019. It was Capacity Building Phase (CBP) programe where we have covered across 100 hectares in Kukuricholi-Tendumudi watershed of Kharsia block located in Raigarh district. In this phase there was a exposure visit followed by basic trainings on watershed development and its functioning.
After the completion of this phase we have initiated FIP in Feb-March 2022 and we have initiated the development process once the approval is received in the same area.

Watershed development aims to balance the conservation, regeneration and use by humans of land and water resources within a watershed. Common benefits from successful watershed development projects include improved agricultural yields and increased access to drinking water.

The line of planning for availing Farm Bunding which helps in retaining soil moisture for longer time, reducing soil erosion during heavy rain and protecting fertile soil or Repair the existing one and creation of farm pond is initiated in 2016-17. Here are some success stories under the watershed development programme. The benefitted farmers are:
1. Sukhlal Rathia
2. Ramkumar Rathia
3. Omkar Rathia
4. Aatma Ram

Sukhlal Rathia is a traditional farmer of village Tendumudi, Kharsia. He lives with his wife Khirmati and lone daughter Chuleshwari who studies in Govt. Middle School. Since, childhood Sukhlal has witnessed poverty and had very limited sources for fundamental living. He had only 0.5 acre of farm land where he used to crop one seasoned paddy of short duration (60-65 day) which yields averagely upto 07-08 quintals per season. He only depends on rainfall for irrigation and has no alternate source of water and regular protection. Apart from lacking of fundamental needs he hasn’t been seen in any new clothes or other facilities that other person might have. He stimulated others from his life style of being simple.

In the year 2018-19 there was a training programme in that area for implementation of watershed development prior to the selection of beneficiaries. Looking forward to the condition of Sukhlal and realizing its irregular production and less amount of growth, our team members met Sukhlal and helped him in creation of farm bund. After multiple tries and consistent efforts we have developed a farm bund to his farm (which is now 0.65 acre) due to which he has rotated his paddy crop verity to longer duration of hybrid (100-105 days) due to which his yield has increased up to 14-16 quintals.

The construction of farm bunds ensures the holding of water for longer duration and his problems also sorted in some manner. He gifted a new saree to his wife Khirmati after so many years and also provided some quality books to his daughter to add cushion in her studies. He all smiles now and we are also happy to see him smile.

Ram Kumar is young, energetic and a family bound traditional farmer of village Tendumudi, Kharsia. He lives in a joint family of 05 members having widow mother Jagmoti Rathia (72), wife Shakuntala and 03 children Gopal (13), Vaishnavi (11) and Dudheswari (10). There is a saying hard work bring success but takes time. To prove this worth saying Ramlal has proven that there is no age bar of such hard work. Although, he has 02 acre of farm land where he used to crop the traditional crops of paddy with no intercropping in between. He also could not fulfill the regular insecticide/pesticide treatments to the crops as he failed to pay the payments of vendors. To add more to his troubles he also suffered crop loss for last 02 years, due to less rainfall and could not bear to fulfill the fundamental needs of family.His mother also need some medical attention but he was unable to provide so.

In the year 2018-19, we selected his area during CBP phase for repair and maintenance of farm bunding. Looking forward to his the frequent crop losses an interaction was made by our team members and they visited the farm of Ram Kumar and helped him in recreation/repair of farm bund and suggested to crop the groundnuts looking forward to the potential of high productions. After multiple tries and consistent efforts he has developed a productive groundnut farm and in between other cereals of water defiecient. Alternatively, there is a good production of paddy in between increasing up to 42-44 quintals.

The farm bunds and suggestion for growing groundnut proven to be worth gold as it is producing 15-20 quintals of groundnut. He immediately paid all his debts and purchased the necessary deeds for next seasons. Now, his third child Dudheswari (10) is going to school of Tamnar. He is also planning to buy a new vehicle to add more cushions. His two children also started to help him for further growth.

Omkar, is a hard working traditional farmer of village Tendumudi, Kharsia. He lives with his wife Urmila. He needs to look after on his own as there are no other members in his family to support him. He had 1.15 acre of farm land where he used to crop the traditional crops of paddy of short rotation. Omkar’s shoulders did not let down even though he is growing old he works harder and harder for living. Since his childhood he has witnessed only poverty and adjustments for fundamental living. His paddy production per season is only 15-18 quintal and could practice only once in a year. His land holding is also few therefore, he could not practice for intercropping. He only depends on rainfall for irrigation and has no alternate source of water. Apart from lacking of fundamental needs he hasn’t been seen in any new asset or resources that other person may have. It was the year 2018-19 when we chosen Omkar for the implementation of programme.

One day our team members met Omkar and helped him in creation of farm bund. After multiple tries and consistent efforts we have developed a farm bund to his farm (which is now 1.35 acre) due to which he has rotated his paddy crop verity to longer duration of hybrid Swarna (100-105 days) which yield averagely up to 30-35 kg.

The farm bunds ensures the holding of water for longer duration and his problems also sorted in some manner. He gifted a new pair of clothes to his wife Urmila after so many years and also paid all his debts to the shopkeeper of his village.

Aatma Ram Rathia, aged 80 is an inspiration for many. He lives in small mud house in village Tendumudi of Kharsia with his wife Kalamati. He served all his due duties to his children and they are living happily somewhere else from the native place. Aatam Ram is sincere, devoted and hard working. He knows the value of hard earned money therefore infect being alone and old age he still works. Poverty, less amount of resources has not let him down and he completed all his due diligence. He had a farm pond of size 15x15x01 mt and had 03 acre of farm land where he used to crop in rabi season only, he also crop groundnut in entire area for soil rotation for more production. As far as the production is concerned it depends upon the rainfall and other scenarios.

During the net planning and implementation discussion in 2018-19, it was found that area of Aatmaram is quite suitable for farm pond creation.

The new farm pond ensured the regular water supply during the deficiency of water particularly in summer. This has not only helped Aatma Ram but also the neighboring farmers. The persisent problem of no irrigation or less irrigation is now sorted. He and his wife Kalamati spend so many times together with no more worrisome due to this asset in their farm

Now, he along with other farmers are blessed with irrigation facility in both seasons
i.e. khariff and rabi. Aatamram has encouraged many farmers like him to think positvely even though the circumstances are substantial difficult.
My name is Jeetram.I live in a village of Chhattisgarh, called baronakunda locatedin north of Raigarh district.
I had been a traditional farmer, sowing paddy in 3 acreancestral land. Although I had a more land but that was barren, and produce little. Life was really tough, as income was not sufficient.
We lived in mud house, men and cattle all alike. We did all manual labor ourselves, hence My son Manoj often had to skip school to support us in field. My wife Sadmati is a religious lady, never complained about these hardship and trusted god.
Those were the days when I thought if god ever listens to her prayers. I put all my efforts, taking work elsewhere to meet ends. Then one day a meeting was called by Kripal Sidar in village choupal.
Mr. Sidar is a social worker. That cold morning, he informed that a program is being launched, regarding plantations into farmers filed. I didn’t understood much. Such program come and go, but we poor never get benefit. So I left the meeting halfway.
But after few days, Kripalji came to my house. He gave further details and asked me to join programme. He was taken to exposure visit at jashpur. That gave me confidence, and I agrred to join. verySoon, Kripalji came with a team. Verified my land documents and his team marked 5-acre for pit digging.
Me and my famely dug 275 large pits, in the manner we were asked. We were planted with first shower, with Mango, lime and cashew. We got fertilizers and manure. But I was most happy when they dug a ring well.
We planted some forestry species, green bushes to secure the land and Started taking intercrop nearby the ring-well. Many other farmers have done so, and we formed a committee. Kripalji and his team met us regularly, always telling next course of action, asking for requirement and providingrequested material.
By the first year, I started earning through intercrop. This gave me work round the year, and additional crop. I toiled hard, to make this land fertile, and slowly increased area of intercrop. By the 3rd year Ring well water was not sufficient, so I took loan to setup a borewell.
We in out village committee, decided to grow brinjal, cowpea, black gram and ground nut. Our Land was suitable for these crops and production was jointly sold. Traders take all directly from filed, and pay cash. It seemed, all my wife prayers are now being answered.
I Sent my Daughter to Pelma, as she is good in studies. Son also completed schooling but is now taking care of farming. By Next year, My fruit plants started bear fruit. Fruit production increased year by year. Mango and lime are sold to traders of gharhgoda. Cashew is sold to Gersa factory. These five acres of land is earning me 2.00 to 2.50 lakh. Which is higher the I earn from paddy field. I am no longer a resource constrained farmer, But an ideal one
Horticulture department have constructed me a pack house, that help me to store my produce and equipment’s. Agriculture department have given a power tiller. I frequently use KCC for development of farm and agriculture.
We have Constructed pucca house.TV, along with other facilities. Son is now married andHe roams on a new motorbike and Itruly pride. I was never able to do this in my young days. My daughter is doing collage.
My social status has also changed. People now ask for my advice. I was elected Panch and Deputy sarpanch of GP. I am now Vice president of an FPO, Name Krishi Prabha Agrobiz.Co.Ltd. Officials of NABARD and Government department come often. I am called upon various meeting in villages to share my thoughts. I was elected as Up-Sarpanch of Gram panchayat.
This One decision to join Wadi programe has changed my course of life. I have won my battle with poverty, come out as winner. I extend all my thanks to NABARD and JanMitram, and especially Kripal ji who have brought me, and many farmers up into this prograame.
Punai Rathiya aged (39) is traditional tribal farmer of Kanchanpur, Kharisa region. She lives in tribal area of Kharsia. She is married to Prahlad Rathiya (45) with two sons. Punai and Prahlad both are illiterate but very much eager to provide good education to their sons. In spite of poor background and limited sources, she along with her husband work hard to fulfil their daily needs. Due to her poor financial background and difficulties in earning, she was married too late quite opposite to general trends in Indian villages. Late marriage resulted late children.
Punai Rathiya has only 02 acre of farmland where she could crop only one season. In his farm, she crops seasonal vegetables and occasionally crop wheat or rice as the rotational crops. This agriculture practice was not proving enough for his family in terms of food, water and shelter.
There is a saying God Helps Those Who Helps Themselves, to prove this saying she attended one day training programme of Self Help Group (SHGs) in her village area. On most days, she would have skipped this training but that day she not only participated the training programme but also came to know about the donation scheme of Give India Platform. We listened to his problems carefully then visited his farm land which was barren at that time. After visiting the farm we suggested to crop seasonal vegetables like semi, ladyfinger and bhajis knowing the potential of soil and area of subsequent market. Sooner, we availed the donation of Shri Samit Ghodke to Punai. She purchased seeds and necessary fertilizers and insecticides with immediate effect and cropped the seasonal vegetables in her entire one acre of land.
The amount of hard work and due care by Punai Rathiya was not wasted. Cultivation of seasonal vegetables resulted into profitable note for her as his cultivation in 2 acre yielded up to 10–12 quintals. In peak season she has earned 30,000/- to 35,000/- INR. This earning come across in his sheer profit as his investment was nominal. Now, she is able to provide quality education to their children, her shelter is surely going to improve and there will be no problems in good food nutrient. She is so much thankful to Shri Samit Ghodke for his kind support.
One year ago Saraswati bai felt that everything would be fine in her life like this time, but she was wrong. Actually she and her husband were used to produce only paddy in their one acre landscape, but they were not earning enough amount for the subsistence.
Saraswati bai lives with her husband and three children in Machladih village of Raigarh district. Those days she was facing very crucial financial crisis because she used to earn only once in a year. She was becoming poorer day by day. Various times she started vegetables farming in her own one acre landscape, but couldn’t succeed due to lack of proper equipments, water supply, fencing and high quality seeds. Somehow she was dragging the life. Saraswati wanted to continue the education of her kids but she was not able to do that. Sometimes she was not able to arrange the food for her family, in fact she was feeling helplessness and not able to do anything.
One day someone suggested her to meet with the volunteers of janmitram, because she was associated with a SHG group of that organization. Few days later she went to janmitram, met with the volunteers and explained them about her problems. The volunteers told her about the donation of Give India Foundation and its benefits. She was so happy while listening to them.
Few days later the volunteers provided her the donation and Saraswati started vegetables farming again with confidence. She had proper agricultural equipment, water supply, fencing and high quality seeds. She worked hard and the result came out as the very good income and smile on her face. Now she earns a good income and living a happy life as the past. She heartily says thanks to janmitram and Give India Foundation. According to her own words “I achieved a happy life because of these organizations, so thanks to them”.
Here is a famous proverb that “quality speaks itself”, we don’t need language to express our self. Budhiyarin Nishad has proved it recently. The situations were not like that few months earlier. She was very upset and worried about her vegetables farming, because she was dumb and her 60 years old father was not able to improve the farming. That vegetables farming was the only source of income for her family.
Budhiyarin lives with her parents in Bhedvan village of Raigarh district. She was only daughter of her parents. She understood the situations and her responsibilities for the family, but feeling helpless. Various times she tried to improve the farming strategy, but couldn’t succeed due to lack of proper financial help and guidance. Lack of agricultural equipments, water supply, fencing and high quality seeds were the other obstacles for her. While facing all these problems she started living in depression.
One day she became determined and went to her well-wishers. One of them suggested her to go to janmitram and meet with the volunteers at there. She thought about it and realized it. Few days later she went to janmitram, met with the volunteers and explained them about her helplessness. They were serious while hearing about her problems. After a little conversation the volunteers told her about the donation of Give India Foundation and its benefits. There was a ray of hope in her eyes while hearing to them. They also suggested her some good ideas and tips for her vegetables farming. Few days later the volunteers provided her the donation and Budhiyarin started vegetables farming again. This time she had decided that her dumbness won’t be an obstacle for her. She was equipped and had all the facilities which she didn’t have earlier. Her silent hard work, determination, financial help and proper guidance turned into the fruitful success. She has started earning a good income through her vegetables farming. Now she is living a happy life and always takes care of her father and mother. According to her sentimental words “my father was sick and it was my duty to improve the income for the family. in fact I was nothing without the help of janmitram and Give India Foundation, thanks to these organizations.”
That day Duleshwari was sitting in the corridor of her house and thinking about the weak health of his father and medicine expenses. She was so worried because her two brothers were not earning even a single rupee. Though they had 2.5 acres own landscape in the village where her father used to produce vegetables, but that was not enough for subsistence and income. That land was the only source of income for the family.
Bhedvan is a beautiful village of Raigarh district where Duleshwari Nishad lives with her parents and two brothers. She was 18 years old confident girl, but those days she was worried because the land was not producing enough vegetables in the absence of proper guidance and financial help. Other obstacles for her failure were lack of proper agricultural equipments, water supply problem, fencing and high quality seeds etc. Somehow she was dragging the life with the extra tension about her father and brothers.
One day when Duleshwari was going to the ‘Mela’ of the village, one of her friends told her about the SHG group where she was already associated. Her friend suggested her to join the group. She said her that Duleshwari should go to the janmitram to solve the problems. Duleshwari realized it and did the same. She went to janmitram, met with the volunteers and explained them about all of her problems. They listened her carefully and told her about the donation of Give India Foundation and its benefits. They also suggested her some good tips and ideas for the vegetables farming. Few days later the volunteers provided the donation and Duleshwari started again the vegetables farming with enthusiasm. This time she had all the equipments and facilities with proper guidance and financial help. She was assured about the income and hoping that she would be an ideal for her brothers to earn money.
Her hard work, willingness, proper guidance and financial support turned into the success soon. This fruitful result made her to smile. Now she is living a happy life with her family. She earned much more money than her past life. The most important thing is that now she can buy required medicine for her father. Her two brothers have started earning after becoming inspired from Duleshwari. According to her words “it’s my pleasure that i am associated with janmitram and i received financial help from Give India through it, thanks to these organizations.”
बरमकेला विकास खंड के ग्राम बोरिदा का रहने वाला अर्जुन सारथी वल्द समारू मजदूरी करके जीवन यापन करता है. तीन लडकियों और २ लडको के परिवार भरण पोषण करने वाला समारू अपने गाँव में २०१५ में मनरेगा के तहत तालाब गहरीकरण में काम किया था. मजदूरी भुगतान के रूप में साढ़े चार हजार आज तक मिले नहीं, मजदूरी भुगतान के लिए २००० रूपये की मांग थी, किसने की वह आगे बताये जा रहे चैनल में से ही कोई है, मगर यहाँ मेंशन नहीं किया जा रहा.

बहरहाल, भटकता हुआ समारू जिला पंचायत तक पहुँच गया. सुयोग से जनमित्रम के निदेशक रमाकांत पाढ़ी से मिल गये. पाढ़ी साहब ने खोजबीन की. सरपंच नारायण प्रधान और सचिव मनोहर पटेल से बात की, और नरेगा सॉफ्ट से खोजा तो पता चला की भुगतान का FTO बहुत पहले ही क्लियर हो चूका. इनका खाता आईसीआईसीआई बैंक में है जहाँ अमुक नंबर के खाते में पैसे कब के जमा हो चुके हैं.

मगर भुगतान करना, बैंकिंग कोरिस्पोंडेंट अर्थात निजी कम्पनी FINO की जिम्मेदारी थी. FINO के स्थानीय कार्यालय की तलाश हुई. कम्पनी के अधिकारी रत्नेश साहू ने पाढ़ी साहब और समारू को बड़े प्रेम से रिसीव किया और फिर ४५०० का भुगतान मिला.

पाढ़ी साहब ने बड़े गर्व से घटना सुनाई. हमने सोचा आपसे भी शेयर करें .
बड़े डूमरपाली की मुख्य बस्ती से दो किमी दूर, मुख्य मार्ग से हटकर कच्चा रास्ता है। इस रास्ते पर लगभग पांच सौ मीटर बढिए। अप्रेल की गरमी मे जहां चारो ओर सूखी जमीने हों, मगर भूमि का एक टुकड़ा रेगिस्तान मे नखलिस्तान की तरह दिखाई दे। जहां मूंगफली, मिर्च, टमाटर, आलू की खेती के बीच सिर उठाए सूरजमुखी के फूल आखों को सुहावनी छटा दें , तो समझिए कि बाबूलाल राठिया का खेत यही है।

खेत के बीचोबीच एक झोपड़ी है, जिसमे बाबूलाल स्वयं अथवा उसके परिवार के सदस्य चैबीसो घण्टे पहरा देते हैं। यह क्षेत्र बन्दरों और मवेशियों के प्रकोप के कारण धान के अलावे अन्य किसी फसल के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं माना जाता था। मगर राठिया एण्ड संस के आगे मवेशी और बंदरो की क्या बिसात। फिर अगर कुछ कसर थी तो जलग्रहण विकास कार्यक्रम ने पूरी कर दी।

एक नजर मे हरा भरा यह टुकड़ा 6 एकड़ से अधिक का दिखाई देता है। तीन साल पहले ऐसा नहीं था। बाबूलाल यहां लगभग 3 एकड़ भूमि मे धान की खेती करते थे। इस जगह से बमुश्किल पचास साठ हजार की आय होती थी। जलग्रहण कार्यक्रम से जुड़ने पर लगभग डेढ़ एकड़ भूमि को समतल कर कृषि योग्य बनाया गया, साथ ही मेड़बंदी भी कराई गई। जब मजदूर लगे थे तब साथ ही साथ खुद पूरे परिवार ने जुटकर अतिरिक्त भूमि को भी उपयोगी बना लिया। अभी लगी हुई सारी फसल से लगभग 2 लाख रूपये की कमाई का अनुमान है।

"हमर बाबू के 19 एकड़ जमीन रहिस, सब ला पिए पाए मे गंवा दारिस";

बाबूलाल बताते हैं कि आधी से कुछ कम जमीन, पिता डेरिहा राठिया की शराब की आदत की भेट चढ़ गई। बिकने वाली जमीने खेती योग्य थी, बेकार टुकड़े बचे थे। अपने पुत्रो, सुशील और सुरीत के साथ मिलकर, अपनी जमीन को संवारा है। उधार पर बोर करवाया जो इस फसल के बाद चुका दिया जाएगा। बिजली का कनेक्शन टेम्प्रेरी है जिसे भी परमानेंट कराना है।

अभी भी भूमि का एक टुकड़ा बेकार है। बाबूलाल ने इसे ईंट भट्ठे के लिए किराए पर दे दिया है। जमीन भी बढे+गी और कुछ पैसा भी आ जाएगा। परिवार मे यामदती, जो पुत्रवधू है, भी बड़ी मेहनती है। गांंव की बूढ़ी मां समूह की सचिव है। यह समूह भी ग्राम जलग्रहण समिति के चक्रधर डनसेना द्वारा प्रेरित है जिसमे 11 सदस्य है। यादमती अपने समूह की मदद से ऋण लेकर, घर के पास की बाड़ी मे सागभाजी उगाया है। छोटा पुत्र सुरीत टैªक्टर ड्राइवरी करता है और खेती मे भी हाथ बटाता है। पत्नी सुमित्रा खेती और रखवाली मे हाथ बटाती है।

पिछले कुछ सालों से घर मे समृद्धि आई है आगे का भविष्य सुखद आशाओं से भरा है। मगर इसे जल्द हासिल करने की अधीरता भी है। बाबूलाल मुझे ट्विस्ट दिया - " ये आषाढ़ मे मोला 60 हजार के लोन दिलावा।" और मिनटो मे उस लोन की आव’यकता, खर्च, मुनाफे और किश्त पटाने की समय योजना सुना दी। हमारी समस्या थी कि सामान्यतः जलग्रहण के तहत 25000 से अधिक के ऋण नहीं दिए जा सकते, और न ही एक लाभार्थी को बारंबार फायदा दिया जा सकता है। फिर भी आश्वाशन देकर रवानगी ली।

देश के खरबपति उद्यमी मुकेश अंबानी ने एक स्पीच मे कहा था कि उद्यमशील व्यक्ति, अपने भीतर और आसपास, एक उद्यमी अधीरता का वातावरण बनाकर रखते है। ये अधीरता न सिर्फ लक्ष्यों को पाने मे मदद करती है बल्कि उसकी प्राप्ति का समय घटा देती है। बाबूलाल राठिया मे भी वही उद्यमी अधीरता नजर आती है।

फिर क्या हम ये मानें कि राठिया एण्ड सन्स की सफलता की कहानी यहां खत्म नहीं होती !!!!

तो कहानी अभी बाकी है मेेरे दोस्त ....।
रायगढ खरसिया मुख्य मार्ग पर पर कुनकुनी बसा है। यह एक बड़ी बस्ती है, जिसमे कई मुहल्ले हैं। पहाड़ी की ओर बसे मोहल्ले मे जाने के लिए पतली और टेढ़ी मेढ़ी गलियों से होकर गुजरना होता है। इन गलियों की चौड़ाई बस इतनी है कि एक बैलगाड़ी ही निकल सकती है। गांव मे घर आंगन और सड़क पर मे जगह जगह महुआ डोरी सुखाया दिखता है। यहीं तालाब के पास उमा का घर है।

नवदुर्गा समूह की सदस्य उमा का घर उसकी पहली कोठरी मे खुली दुकान की वजह से पहचान सकते है। घर मे दो बच्चे और सास ससुर है। बच्चे गांव के ही स्कूल मे पढ़ते है। कोठरीनुमा दुकान मे एक फ्रिज रखा है, मनिहारी सामान के साथ ही धान की कुछ बोरियां रखी है। यही बातचीत शुरू होती है।

नवदुर्गा समूह वैसे तो पांच छह साल पुराना था मगर सदस्यों मे सामंजस्य न होने के कारण टूट गया था। जनमित्रम के स्थानीय कार्यकर्ता नंदकि’ाोर ने इन्हे पुनः जोड़ा। साल भर से समूह फिर सक्रिय हुआ है। समूह मे सीतल (अध्यक्ष), कौ’ाल्या (सचिव) एवं उमा, अनुसुइया, बुन्द्राबाइ्र एवं चन्द्रोबाई सदस्य है। समूह के सदस्य मिलकर 1200 रू प्रतिमाह बचत जमा करता है। गांव की जलग्रहण समिति के सहयोग से इन्हें सत्तर हजार रूपये का ऋण मिला है।

उमा ने पच्चीस हजार लिए है जो दुकान मे सामान, चावल की आढ़त व फ्रिज खरीदने मे लगाया गया है। कुछ रकम घर की बाड़ी मे शाकभाजी लगाने पर व्यय किया है। उमा की बाड़ी मे मक्का, केला, और सागभाजी की फसल लगी है। इस ऋण ने इनकी आय मे माह मे तीन-चार हजार का इजाफा किया है।
समूह की अध्यक्ष सीतल को धान उत्पादन के लिए पच्चीस हजार की मदद मिली है। पहाड़ी के नीचे अपनी लंबी चैड़ी जमीन के एक टुकड़े पर ही फसल लेने को मजबूर सीतल ने इस बार पूरे छह एकड़ मे खेती की है। धान मे बालियां आ गई हैं। सब खर्च काटकर साठ से सत्तर हजार रू की शुद्ध कमाई का अनुमान है। समूह की सदस्य कौशल्या के परिवार का मनिहारी का काम है, जो आसपास के बाजारो मे घूमकर किया जाता है। उसने बीस हजार का का ऋण लेकर अपने व्यवसाय मे लगाया है।

उमा के घर से कुछ दूर फूलबाई सागर का घर है। फूलबाई सांई स्व सहायता समूह की सचिव है। समूह अध्यक्ष ईश्वरी के साथ गायत्री , फोरकुंवर,गंगाबाई , सौकमती, कमलेश्वरी और सरोज इसके सदस्य है। इस समूह ने मिलकर बकरीपालन शुरू किया है। कुल पचास हजार के निवेश से बकरियां खरीदी गई हैं। इनमे से कई बच्चे देने वाली है। सात आठ माह बाद इनकी बीस बाइस बकरियां पांच हजार के न्यूनतम मूल्य पर बिक जाएँगी ।

नंद किशोर इन महिलाओं की प्रगति और अनुशासन से बड़े प्रभावित है। शुरूआत मे उन्हें महिलाओं को जोड़ने मे सर्वाधिक कठिनाई इसी गांव मे आई। मगर साई ओर नवदुर्गा की उमाओ और गायत्रिओ ने नई धारा प्रवाहित कर दी है। इनसे अन्य परिवार भी जुड़ने के लिए उत्साहित हुए है। कई घरों मे पुरूषों के द्वारा महिलाओं को समूहों मे जुड़ने का उपहास करना बंद कर, प्रोत्साहन दिया जाने लगा है। कमाई का वैकल्पिक स्रोत बनने से महिलाओं का दर्जा भी बढ़ा है।
महिलाओं की सम्मान बढ़ा है तो यकीनन यहां तरक्की के देवता भी विराजेंगे।
“यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते, रमन्ते तत्र देवता”
A large part of the one-room house is occupied by double bed, rest filled with an air-cooler and small TV over it. Some buckets and utensils on floor, pictures of different goddess on wall. Bed rumbled with Clothes, school bags, books and copies. Cooking is done outside in open, near which is cemented floor for washing dishes. A little distance is a cloth-veiled space, perhaps a bathroom. A beaming Suhila have brought us to show her house. The reason of her proud – It’s her own house.

Just half an hour before, Sushila Sahu was attending customer through a small opening on wall when we arrived. Shop is a lone brick structure of size 8X8 feet, covered by asbestos roof. A sewing machine kept in shop to indicating tailoring also done here. While we talked, an oblivious kid sitting at shop floor was engrossed in studies. I picked his book. It was Class 6th textbook of science, reading states of matter – Solid, liquid and gases.
As we talked, knew that sushila is married to Thakur Sahu, for 17 years. They have four kids aging 10 to 15, two of them twins. Thakur is a driver and earns little for a family to sustain. Two years back, Sushlia Joined one of our training program to learn tailoring. Then she became Member of Tulsi Self Help Group. Initially the group got credit support and amount was divided among members. Sushila bought a sewing machine with her share. That opened way of Small income by tailoring, and sushila became financially independent.

The second round of credit she started a small grocery shop. By the time second group based loan was closed, Sushila mustered enough courage to apply individual loan. She took 50,000 Rs and invested half in shop, and half in her dream.

The dream was to own a house. After wandering 17 years in here and there, changing rented rooms, her desire to own a house is understandable. The One room house was erected, just behind the shop. These 20 yards are now Sushila’s world. She runs shops, runs sewing business at same place, oversees children, their studies and her house. Her tailoring is good, cost very low hence women from nearby villages also come. Few of them have become permanent customer for grocery. So both businesses are thriving.

We talked to kids who adore their mother. Eldest Santosh and Daughter Dimpy are studying in class 9. Son wants to become police officer and daughter is determined to be engineer. Younger of twins, Manoj (the science guy) wants to become Doctor, and Mahaveer want to be same whatever manoj will become.
While every kid answered; I noticed colours come and go on sushilas face. I tried to figure her mind. Higher Education to four kids is not easy to afford. With each child shot answer to me, her brain was calculting how she will manage. Then her eyes rolled towards Manoj who was back to his book, reading “state of matter”.

And then her looks changed. I can see a pacified face. Like gases and liquid of self doubt, are getting replaced by solid determination.
We waved goodbye and left, preying silently for the solid lady.
Rural entrepreneurs nurturing programme of JanMitram Kalyan Samiti is helping people like Sushila who are landless, resource less, unskilled and not qualified. Repeated credit access strengthens their business and livelihoods. We hope that this programme will help more shushilas in coming days, to build their house, to educate their children, and to create excellent, cost effective service providers to community.
Its early july, peak time for Agricultural activities in india. Ashwini Chouhan wakes up by a ringing phone. It is only 6.40 and mobile shows unknown cllaer. He picks to find someone greeting him aloud . “Sir, I am Krishna Rahtia of taraimaar village ...” “Sir, we are going to sow soya-bean and waited long for you yesterday, you won’t come. Will you please come today??”. Krishna tells he is already at field.

Ashwini answers him apologetically. Yesterday was very hectic, he counseled farmers in different places. But Heavy rain in evening stopped his way to krishna’s filed. He quickly assures that he will be there in one hour and attend his field first thing of day.

A Scholar of Agriculture, Masters in Horticulture, and Lecturer of five years Agriculture collage, now Ashwini chouhan is working in janMitram’s programme named as “Agriculture Development Initiative in Tribal Areas.” The programme is meant to improve land and water usage of farmers, infusing new techniques, changing cropping pattern etc.

We use convergence of government schemes for benefit farmers i.e. MGNREGA, Watershed development, Prdahanmantri krishi vikas yojna, Shakambhari schmes and many other.

Credit support through KCC and and institutionalization through producer’s organization, farmer’s club and Self help groups are important element of program. The program has successfully added 3000+ farmers and help them improve their productivity, soil health, Farm calendar and land use.

Ashwini Chouhan indeed arrived at krishna’s farm. He speaks to his family about sowing of soyabean and other crops. He inspects vegetable and finds pest attack. So He calls neighbouring farmers and collectively they are advised to use appropriate pesticide. He collects soil sample and readies to move ahead. His next stop will be Ambetikra village where a group of farmers are already waiting to learn seed intensification in rice.

He recalls his first day in JanMitram headquarter, when he came to see one senior member. “During my interview, I emphasized my knowledge and flaunted difficult agriculture terminologies. What i received was forewarning- First; Make it simple for farmers to understand. Second, we need more emotionals and less professional. The second part he didn’t understood.

“Today I understand what it means to be an emotional professional”- Ashwini says. “Success of my farmer have become my own success and their plight my own. After spending years teaching books of Agronomy, I now really able to use my knowledge for benefit of fellow citizen. This satisfaction is greatest reward.

He smiles, so does the family of Krishna Rathia. At the moment, sun suddenly came out of clouds and their faces glitter with blessing of god.

On Bombay howrah railway line, koterlia is first passenger stop. Tarpali village is 4 kilometres from railways station. When you enter village, Signboard of high school appears. Maya’s house stands where school boundary ends. A small gate and earthen house inside courtyard greets us along with Maya and her daughter.

MayaBai, is member of Bhavani self help group. The group was formed in 2014 and Maya along with other women of SHG started contributing 100 Rs each per month. The small collective was used to fetch loan from Ravi cooperative federation. The first dose of Rs 40000 lent the group maya opened a small shop at her house. This helps her to earn 300-400 per day. The second credit issued few month back, have been used by other women of SHG for leaf cup-plates making.

Maya ages 45 and is a mother of six. Five daughters Rani, Tijiya, Tiresia, Santoshi and Sarita and one son Santosh. All dourgters have been married except sarita. Son works as building worker, husband as a labour.

What is your husband’s name...? i asked. Shy old lady stretched her hand. “Motilal” was tattooed there. I was made aware of the tradition of not calling husband’s name.

“My husband used to be a potter”- Maya started talking. “But these days who buys pottery and Khappar (mud tiles for roof). We can go for making bricks, but brick furnaces cost too much. All lifetime savings spent marrying daughters, so nothing is left to invest”.

Maya went on – “I started this shop which helps to a lot. Son was not interested to study so now goes to construction sites. Sarita also goes for labour work. Multiple earnings have made situation better. We saved some money, so if we get some credit, we would be able to setup brick furnace after monsoon”

Nothing needed to understand her concern to marry yet another girl. I turned to my colleagues Kriti and Manoj, and asked how their repayment performance was. “Very disciplined sir”- Answered Manoj.

I suggested Maya to apply For 70,000 Rs loan before October, when potteries are high in demand due to Deepawali festival. Additional income from festival will add up to investment in brick furnace. Maya liked the idea and her eyes lit with hope.

We inspected her shop and clicked photographs. Bid Farwell to Maya and family, rode on vehicle for back journey. I heard Manoj asking – “Sir, you generally do not commit loans at field, why you did today”.

“It was your answer Manoj” – I laughed.

Manoj Looked perplexed. So I asked vehicle to be stopped, and made them to stand below a signboard for a photograph. That board said- “Discipline makes the nation great”

Urmila Bai Mahant believed that to accept something and to fight after acceptance is two different things. She was a lady who never quit the battle, but those days she was feeling helplessness. The reason behind it was that various times she tried to start vegetables farming in her own 50 dismal landscapes, but didn’t succeed however.

She lives in Telikot village of Raigarh district with her husband Rajendra and only daughter Bhoomi. In fact that 50 dismal land was her only hope where she used to do vegetables farming for income and subsistence. She was not able to produce anything at there only because due to lack of proper equipments, water supply and fencing etc. she was becoming poorer day by day and started living in depression; even she was not able to think that what she should do at that time.

One day she was sitting in the corridor of her house and crying in alone. Suddenly one of her best friend and well-wisher Santoshi saw her on that condition. After a long conversation Santoshi suggested her to go to the Ravi Cooperative’s meeting where she was associated since a long time. After few days Urmila Bai came in the meeting with her friend Santoshi. Members of the meeting suggested her to meet with the volunteers of Janmitram. After a while she met with them and explained about all of her problems. They told her about the donation process of Give India Foundation. They also suggested her some good ideas and tips for her vegetables farming.

Soon the volunteers provided her the donation and she started again vegetables farming with proper agricultural equipments, water supply, fencing and lots of confidence.

The result appeared as a good income with a good smile on her face. Now she is one of the happiest ladies in the village. She earns much more income than her past times. Now she spends enough money for the education for her daughter Bhoomi. She heartily says thanks to Janmitram, Ravi Cooperative and Give India Foundation. according to her own words “the reason of my present happiness is only these organizations, thanks to them.”
That day Shyamwati Rathiya was really hurt when she went outside for toilet and a man was staring towards her, spontaneously she decided to make a toilet inside the home. Actually she wanted it since a long time but couldn’t succeed due to poverty.

Shyamwati lives in Tenda village of Raigarh district with her husband and two children Seema and Mukesh. It is situated among the jungle near Gharghoda block. Those days she was facing a horrible financial crisis in her life. Sometimes she was not able to arrange the food for her family. Various times she tried to start vegetable farming in her own 5 acres landscape but couldn’t succeed due to lack of proper water supply and agricultural equipments. Gradually she realized that there was urgent of a well for water supply, so that she would be able to earn a good income through it. She did all her best efforts to do it but she was completely helpless at that time.

There was a self help group for women in her village. One of the members told her about Janmitram and Ravi Cooperative. After hearing it there was a ray of hope in her wet eyes. After few days she came in the meeting of Ravi Cooperative with her same friend who told her about all these. The members suggested her to meet with the volunteers of Janmitram. After a while Shyamwati met with them and explained about all of her problems. The volunteers told her about the donation process of Give India Foundation through which they use to help people financially. They suggested her to dig a well as soon as possible in her landscape where she tried to start vegetables farming various times.

Soon the volunteers provided her the donation and she started again her dream project. First she dug a well at there with proper equipments and lots of confidence.

Now she is one of the happiest ladies in the village. She earns very good income through her vegetables farming. It is 40000rs in a season. Now she spends 3000rs for the education of her children. The most important thing which she has achieved is that she made a toilet inside the house. Now she and her daughter is not compel to go outside for toilet.

She says that I achieved my goal only because the help of these organizations, and she also says heartily thanks to Janmitram, Ravi Cooperative and Give India Foundation.
Courage always wins during the fight with poverty. No matter that you are literate or illiterate. Saniro bai mahant just proved it before few days. Actually she used to think that her illiteracy is the main reason for her poverty, but she proved it wrong, when she realized the base of her all problems one by one.

Saniro bai lives in Batura Kachar village of Raigarh district with her husband Mitthu Das and only son Nilambar, who is physically disabled. Her husband Mitthu das was also almost disabled due to age factor, so all the responsibilities came into her shoulders. Another problem with her was Saniro wanted to construct a toilet inside the house but she was not able to do that anyhow. She used to think that if her disabled husband and son wouldn’t have to go outside for toilet. Those days she was facing critical financial crisis.

She had one acre own landscape in the village where she used to produce vegetables for income and subsistence. This land was the only hope for her life, but she was completely failure on it to produce vegetables. Maybe there were many reasons because of she became poorer, i.e. lack of proper agricultural equipments and fencing etc. Once she realized that lack of proper water supply is the base problem because of she didn’t succeed at all. She decided to dig a well as soon as possible.

One day one of her well wisher told her about Ravi Cooperative’s meeting to solve her financial problems. She went at there and told them about the situations. The Cooperative members suggested her to meet with the volunteers of Janmitram. She did the same. She met with them and explained all of her problems in front of them. They listened her carefully and told her about the donation process of Give India Foundation. They also suggested her some good ideas and tips for well digging process and vegetables farming.

The volunteers provided her the donation within few days and again she started vegetables farming with proper equipments, fencing, and with proper water supply. She was so happy now because finally she dug a well at there. Soon the result appeared as the good income with smile on her face. Another important achievement that now Saniro bai and her family members don’t need to go outside for toilet because she has made a toilet inside the house. Now she earns much more income than her past time to full fill the requirements of her family. now she is one of the happiest ladied in the village.

She achieved her goal by the little help of these organizations, and she heartily says thanks to them.
Jagmoti Rathiya and her husband Bodhram were observing their barren landscape with tearful eyes. They never thought that they could ever become poor like this time. Though various times Jagmoti started vegetables farming in her own 5 acres landscape, but didn’t succeed due to lack of proper water supply and proper equipments. Those days she was facing a horrible financial crisis.

Jagmoti lives in Tenda village of Raigarh district with her husband and only son Anil. It’s a beautiful village among limitless mountains and jungle. Most of people were living a happy life through their farming, except Jagmoti. Actually her son needed school fees to continue the education but she couldn’t arrange the money at all. Sometimes she was not able to arrange the food for her family. Her husband was also giving his best efforts to reduce the poverty but couldn’t succeed. Jogmati was not happy with her vegetables farming. After few days she realized that she had no proper water supply in her land where she used to produce vegetables for income.

Once she came to Ravi cooperative’s meeting with her best friend Budhwari bai. Budhwari was one of her well wisher and associated with this organization since a long time. She took Jogmati with her to this meeting because she knew that Jogmati would definitely get solution for her problems. They entered in the meeting hall; Jogmati pulled a chair, set on it and started listening carefully. She told them about her problems. The members suggested her to meet with the volunteers of Janmitram, and she did the same. The volunteers listened her problems carefully and explained her donation process of Give India Foundation. They also suggested her to dig a well on that land where she used to do vegetables farming.

Soon the volunteers provided her the donation and Jogmati started again her vegetables farming at there. She started digging the well at there which is not yet complete, but she is so confident and happy this time because she is doing everything in a proper way and with good plans.

Individually she thinks that all the good things which is going to happen in her life is only because the help of Janmitram and Give India Foundation. She heartily.
That time Nanhi bai Nishad could do only one thing, either she save her cattle or save her younger son who was suffering from fever and hot like boiling water. Actually Nanhi bai was facing horrible financial crisis on those days. Sometimes she couldn’tarrange the food for her family and feel helpless. However she saved both of them but problem was not yet solved. Her husband Purushottam Nishad was also trying to do his best for the family but he was unable to do that because of his low salary in a private firm. Various times Nanhi and Purushottam tried to start vegetables farming on their own 50 dismal landscapes in the village. They worked hard but couldn’t succeed due to lack of proper water supply, proper agricultural equipments etc.

Nanhi bai lives in Tarapur village in Raigarh district where people believe in hard work and happy life. She was also one of them who never give up the fight. Once she came to Raigarh with her friends,here she came in the meeting of Ravi cooperative. She didn’t know anything about it before. It was just beginning of the meeting when she entered there. She pulled a chair and started listening carefully. Here she realized that now she is very near to the solution of her main problem poverty.
Anurag Kispotta was living with his mother Sumanti Kispotta in Gharghoda. Sumanti had responsibilities of two kids after becoming a single parent. She leaved her husband and it’s very difficult to educate and fulfil the needs of her children. Sometimes she couldn’t arrange the food for her kids. In fact she was facing horrible financial crisis on those days. Though she was working in a school as a peon and earning 3000rs, but not able to educate her kid Anurag. Sumanti was one of those people who never give up the battle. She tried to improve her financial condition various times, so that her child Anurag would be able to educate in the school.

As we know that Janmitram is completely concerned for women and child development. While watching her struggle for her child Anurag, Janmitram has adapted this kid and providing free education in its school. Sumanti is now a happiest person because she saves little money and fulfills the needs of her kids.

Anurag is a sincere and honest child as well. His learning capacity and writing skills has improved and studying well in the class room.Now he is promoted to class 2nd. He participates actively in class level and house wise sports competitions. He was awarded as best
sports boy for the session 2016-17 in class. He wants to be an athlete in future.

Anurag wants to convey his heartily thanks to Mr. Hyacinth Ferrao for his contribution which brought smile on his face and happiness in his life. According to her mother’s word “thanks to Janmitram and Give India Foundation who considered my son’s case and made him to
come out from that crowd where rays of education do not reach”.
Founding Story
Awards and Recognitions
Financial Support
Smiles We Spurred